Ubuntu can't see any HDD's :S

26 May 2009
Yea, as title, I have tried the latest version of Ubuntu server and an older copy of Xubuntu, neither can see a drive when I try and install, the drives show up in the BIOS, in Parted-magic via ultimate boot cd, even in Xubuntu if run as a live cd. But nothing shows up when I run the installer for Ubuntu/Xubuntu (even from inside Xubuntu live cd).


System is a H55 board with a G6950, 4GB DDR-1600, a VR300 and a 750GB Samsung F1.
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Are you trying to dual boot alongside Win 7/8 ?

Either way have a look at this


You just need to jump through a few hoops with these damn UEFI BIOS MB's

I had the same thing... but worked out my own fix before I saw these info pages. It's a bodge together, that I use, but in short I have a custom partition arrangement set up on a 2nd system drive that I boot to using the F8 option.
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