Ubuntu Installtion Problems

28 Feb 2009
Hi Guys, i'm new to this part of the forum and would like some help regarding Ubuntu. I'm trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 and all i'm getting is the loading screen freezing, the computer in question is: Intel Celeron 3.00GHZ, 512MB RAM, 160GB hard drive. In the past i tried another version of ubuntu and that installed ok, but now i don't know what to do, so any help is welcomed.


What graphics card do you have? Also, is there an option to press F11 or something like that to see the background processes so you can see where it is getting stuck and maybe an error?
What graphics card do you have? Also, is there an option to press F11 or something like that to see the background processes so you can see where it is getting stuck and maybe an error?

Hi Jack, thanks for the reply, the graphics card i'm using is the nivida geforce 6200 (that came with it), and erm not sure about the second thing, i'm stuck at this point, this is all i see.

When you boot the liveCD you get to a list where you can select your language. At the bottom there should be options to select different boot parameters, try each one till it boots.
Check the intergrity of the disk, i have had this problem before and it was that the disk didnt burn properly.
just to update i've got the alternative text installer, as i've tried in the past and got to the point where it is 'configuring the network with DHCP' and at the point it freezes with 0% on the screen, there's nothing wrong with the cd as i've used it on another pc and it spead through this stage. What am i doing wrong?
Just to let anyone who is interested, i have managed to make the installation work, i used gparted to change my partitions and format my disk to Fat 3 and linux swap, tried the installer again and it worked.

Just some other questions, after moving from windows where a anti virus program, firewall, anti-spyware is the norm, how many of you who run ubuntu use any sercurity software, as i have read conflicting reports.


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