Ubuntu Particle screen

1 Jan 2006
South East London
Just installed Ubuntu on a second hard drive but during the installation I'm quite sure that I did not 'check' the screen resolution box but I just pressed enter instead. Ubuntu now trys to boot at some ridiculous resolution for my monitor and I get a fuzzy particle screen. I searched for a solution and apparently if I login to the terminal I can type 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' to redo part of the setup. I tried this but got an error message, is there a default terminal password? Anyone suggest any other solutions apart from a total reinstall?
I learnt this the other day and I was so proud :) it worked for me...

when it throws up the blue and white screen saying that xserver cannot start, say no to viewing the file and no again to the following question.

it should then throw you out of it and back to something which is akin to the msdos prompt.

you should then be able to type:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

press return then type your password (which was what you chose when you installed ubuntu - its the same as your user password).

it should throw up a load of questions - for the first question you will need to chose VESA as the driver not ATI or intel or anything. then follow the rest of the questions. once finished, you will be thrown back to the prompt - press control alt del and it will restart.

and you should then choose ubuntu :) and all is well with the world.

if it doesn't start, or you can't start dpkg-reconfigure above, can we have the error message please? thanks! :D
I dont get the same screen as you unfortunately smokey! Mine has no text at all, might reinstall if its easier. Will get error message later.
The fuzzy screen can happen at some resolutions in Ubuntu, especially with certain dodgy drivers (ATI does come to mind). Vesa should be fine for 2D desktop stuff, what version of Ubuntu are you running and what gfx card do you have.

The other issue with Ubuntu / X is that it detects Ati PCI-E cards and selects the Ati driver (which is the free driver, mainly used for IGP or older Radeon cards) instead of fglrx. This means that the first boot will always fail until you sort it manually.
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