Ubuntu Signal over range

1 Nov 2005
Went to boot up my PC this morning and I got this straight after the bios screen? I've had Ubuntu 10.04 installed for about 2 weeks now using this monitor with no problems. I've tried recovery mode but no luck. I've tried searching but haven't had much joy. Am I going to have to get hold of another monitor to try?
It is probably X windows trying to start in a resolution not supported by your monitor.

Have any settings on your monitor changed? Or use any strange full screen apps/games recently?

It could also be an issue with Kernel Mode Set (KMS), in which case you would need to add nomodeset to the grub boot line (edit /etc/default/grub and add nomodeset to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX), worth a try.

If you can get to a recovery shell (or boot into a command line runlevel) and post the contents of /etc/X11/xorg.conf that may well help.
I haven't changed any settings that I know of. I'm quite new to all of this. I can get to the boot menu but can't get to recovery mode ( to get a recovery shell?) only 'c' for command-line.
Just an update on this. After a long search I finally gave up and reinstalled Windows just to get my PC up and running and all was fine. I have downloaded Linux Mint today and booted up from the cd and the same thing is happening, I get to the boot up screen and then the screen goes blank with this dreaded warning?
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