Ubuntu, VNC, Java & mouse clicks

28 Jun 2005
I have just recently set up Ubuntu on a spare machine and connect to it from my main machine over VNC (I am doing some java programming using a GUI).
The java program is required to detect mouse clicks and react to them, VNC doesn't seem to send actual mouse clicks to the program though.
I got a java example of the sun site that demonstrates a mouse listener and it shows that over VNC, java detects the mouse pressed and mouse released. It does not however detect the mouse click.
Locally, if I click the mouse in this program I get, Pressed, Released, Click events in that order. However no Click event seems to be sent by VNC. Pressed and Released is all that is sent so it seems to be treated as a Drag operation instead. I have tried a couple of VNC clients and servers and nothing seems to work.
Is there anything I can do to solve the problem of VNC?

Presumably you are using Windows to Run the VNC client, which you then connect to your ubuntu server?

2 Options I can think of:

Try another VNC server or VNC client.

Try Xming. A free Xserver for windows. Run putty, enable X-forwarding, and then run youy linux program and it will appear on your windows desktop. You can even have them window managed under Windows or have a kind of virtual desktop thing for your linux apps.
Well I had tried various VNC clients and servers as mentioned.

That said, Xming worked like a dream and I think its my new favourite program :)
Thank you very much

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