I have just recently set up Ubuntu on a spare machine and connect to it from my main machine over VNC (I am doing some java programming using a GUI).
The java program is required to detect mouse clicks and react to them, VNC doesn't seem to send actual mouse clicks to the program though.
I got a java example of the sun site that demonstrates a mouse listener and it shows that over VNC, java detects the mouse pressed and mouse released. It does not however detect the mouse click.
Locally, if I click the mouse in this program I get, Pressed, Released, Click events in that order. However no Click event seems to be sent by VNC. Pressed and Released is all that is sent so it seems to be treated as a Drag operation instead. I have tried a couple of VNC clients and servers and nothing seems to work.
Is there anything I can do to solve the problem of VNC?
The java program is required to detect mouse clicks and react to them, VNC doesn't seem to send actual mouse clicks to the program though.
I got a java example of the sun site that demonstrates a mouse listener and it shows that over VNC, java detects the mouse pressed and mouse released. It does not however detect the mouse click.
Locally, if I click the mouse in this program I get, Pressed, Released, Click events in that order. However no Click event seems to be sent by VNC. Pressed and Released is all that is sent so it seems to be treated as a Drag operation instead. I have tried a couple of VNC clients and servers and nothing seems to work.
Is there anything I can do to solve the problem of VNC?