UE40H6400 vs. KDL43W805 vs. TX40CX680B

1 Dec 2008
Hi folks

I'm in the market for a new TV. Interested to hear your thoughts/pros & cons on my shortlist below.

  • I'm not that fussed by 4K or 3D.
  • I'll be using it mostly for Freeview HD, gaming, sports, and streaming.
  • Ideal size 40" - 43"
  • Budget £400-£550 ish

I've done a fair amount of research, and I've read good and bad things about each. I can't seem to find the perfect one for me, and I still can't make my mind up. Some things I've picked up on:

Sony - slow and buggie Android OS.
Samsung - lip sync problems.
Panasonic - 4k and most expensive.




Be good to hear from any owners of the above.

If you have other suggestions feel free to add.

Thanks for all the replies so far.

The Samsung's ahead right now, but I'm not that keen on the stand - maybe it'll grow on me.

The stand on the Sony however is pretty slick.

On another note, I can't seem to find the Sony Bravia KDL42W705 anywhere, but I have found the KDL40W705C. Apart from being smaller are there any major changes to the spec?


Found a KDL42W705 on the Argos eBay outlet: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sony-KDL4...-Freeview-HD-Smart-LED-TV-Black-/331761639967 at £379.99
The cheapest I've found the UE40H6400 is for £339.99
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Just took the plunge after about 7-8 hours of reading on the Internet on the 6400 40"... £339 seemed a good price too!

Nice smr! I still haven't made my purchase yet - had a few things to shell out for this month. You'll have to let me know how you get on with it.

I think I'll go for the 40" H6400 too, although I still get waves of doubt when l look at the Sony Bravia KDL40W705C - I'm a terrible ditherer.

Just purchased the Samsung UE40H6400 from John Lewis for £399 with 5 year guarantee.

I dithered for a while about getting the UE40JU6400 4K model, but couldn't really justify another £100 for 4K viewing that I'll use once in a blue moon.

The H6400 is£50 cheaper elsewhere but I wanted the peace of mind with the guarantee and JL customer service.

Arrives next week, I'll let you know how I get on.

Thanks for helping me make my mind up.
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