UE55H7500 vs W829 vs TX55AS vs TX55AX

14 Feb 2004
popped into Richer Sounds (RS) today to buy a 55" LED.

Me: Hi, I'd like to buy a Samsung UE55HU7500
RS: Sorry - we only have 1 ex-serviced left.
Me: ok how about a Sony W829
RS: How bout a Panasonic TX-55AS802B instead? Far better TV in every respect. We have a single new boxed one left nationwide.
Me: ok, hold onto it till tomorrow and I'll do some research on it tonight

I did some googling and can't seem to find a single review on the TV. There's one thread on avforums where someone compares it to a TX-58AX802B (4k version) but that's it.

Has anyone come across these? I had my heart set on the UE55HU7500 but now that I can't find any in stock at a reasonable price anymore I thought I'd just get the Sony W829 and sit tight for a year while waiting for the new 4k or OLED's to come down in price. RS has made me re-think this somewhat as they are adament that the W829 is mediocre at best and TX55AS802b dominates it.
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the one you want is the AX version, it's excellent, the 65'' version is one of the best LEDs you can buy.

It is unfortunately much more expensive though... £885 vs £1300

.http://pricespy.co.uk/product.php?p=2545190, that Sammy is all over the web, there's loads left

yep but at that price it doesnt make sense i don't think. Currys had it for £1200 last week and the week before, now it's out of stock :(
the only 2 review sites you should be looking at are hdtvtest and avforums

why not look on there use their filters to see what the top 55" tv's are?

also do you have a john lewis near you? they offer free 5 year warranty with every tv and will price match any brick and mortar store with stock.
If you can find a 55" w829 for a decent price go for it.. they are not a mediocre tv at all he is talking rubbish :p

I would personally not jump to 4K just yet give it another year or two there just isn't the content available :)
It is unfortunately much more expensive though... £885 vs £1300

yep but at that price it doesnt make sense i don't think. Currys had it for £1200 last week and the week before, now it's out of stock :(

yes you're paying for 4K only, but with a lack of 4K material to watch you might be better off with 1080p, i keep thinking this.

if so, the best 1080p you can get is a 2nd hand Panny plasma and there's loads on Ebay....

there will still be a lack of 4K movies with 4K Blu-ray, because you wont be getting 300 films in the 1st year......... more like only 40 and 1/2 of these you might not like anyway

i have a feeling that you cant watch old movies on true 4K, i think they'll be upscaled but i'm not sure, this needs investigating.

even so, a modern 1080p LED will still be pretty good, just not quite the same quality as a Panny
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If you can find a 55" w829 for a decent price go for it.. they are not a mediocre tv at all he is talking rubbish :p

I would personally not jump to 4K just yet give it another year or two there just isn't the content available :)

well currys still have about 50 of them in stock (new, boxed) at £779. Can get it for £715 with my currys discount card (8% off)

I was sure I was going to go for the W829 if I couldn't get the Samsung UE55HU7500 but my convo with RS threw me off. What's odd is, if it's so good as they claim it is, how come there's no reviews online and there's a billion reviews of the W829?
well currys still have about 50 of them in stock (new, boxed) at £779. Can get it for £715 with my currys discount card (8% off)

I was sure I was going to go for the W829 if I couldn't get the Samsung UE55HU7500 but my convo with RS threw me off. What's odd is, if it's so good as they claim it is, how come there's no reviews online and there's a billion reviews of the W829?

currys in Christchurch have the 60'' Sony model for £800 i saw it today beside a 55'' OLED, but 60'' is too small for me....

Gumtree has 5 LG OLEDs for £900 quid each, yes 5 of them............brand new

dont buy without seeing first, it's a no brainer

you can also get them for £1500 on ebay almost ever day

why would he need a review of the Sony? he already said there's tons of reviews about it. He wanted info on the Panny

Gumtree has 5 LG OLEDs for £900 quid each, yes 5 of them............brand new
dont buy without seeing first, it's a no brainer

you can also get them for £1500 on ebay almost ever day

That sounds dodgy. you can get £1400 for those TVs all day long - there would be no reason for him to sell it at £950 each
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The guy's talking nonsense, the W829 is brilliant. Only downside is it doesn't have the full range of on demand apps. The Panasonic is also good, surprised there's not many reviews, but as said above you either need 4k or don't...
If I were you I'd wait for the new Sony range in a couple of weeks.
So he can show richer sounds that it's not a crap TV.

Tbh I would completely ignore any sales person trying to sell me something and stick to hdtvtest and avforums reviews.

If there are no reviews on there for the Panasonic then I would avoid it.
The guy's talking nonsense, the W829 is brilliant. Only downside is it doesn't have the full range of on demand apps. The Panasonic is also good, surprised there's not many reviews, but as said above you either need 4k or don't...
If I were you I'd wait for the new Sony range in a couple of weeks.

I thought about that but then I'm back to square one waiting for reviews of each model, then comparing it with their competitors in each category etc

and of course not to mention the price differential...whatever compares with the W829 most likely won't be obtainable for the same or similar price. The W829 would cost me £715 - doubt I could get any equivalent for the same in the new range.

If there is a specific model you think I should hold out for I'm happy to consider it before pulling the trigger on the W829 - just a bit burnout from researching all the TVs by now
Here is the 60" review of the panasonic as802b:


The ax802 is 4k and the as802 is 1080p. I have a panasonic tx47as802b and the picture is fantastic and that was coming from a 2012 Samsung which had rave reviews.

Depends what is important to you. Samsung are generally better at smart TV apps, although Panasonic have come along way with theirs I would say. For pure 2d TV performance I would look at Sony and Panasonic, but that's just my preference.

That sounds dodgy. you can get £1400 for those TVs all day long - there would be no reason for him to sell it at £950 each

yes they're probably stolen, but he does have his own shop, even so, you would never buy one without seeing it working first.....

but, the 55'' OLED doesn't look that great.... the screen is too small plus it's curved, give me a 65'' flat version any day of the week or better still a 75'' Flat
have you ever been to an imax cinema?

they use curved screens. tbh i rather liked it, it's a subtle curve. but i don't know how well it would do in a living room.

i would probably prefer flat in living room so guests can view from different angles and curved in bedroom for private use.
OLED does have a perfectly even image over the whole screen and it doesn't trouble you when you look at it, because the LED bothers me when i first see it, it then looks great a minute later when your eyes accept it

OLED has the same initial 1st impression that a PLASMA has, it looks right instantly.

the conclusion is pretty obvious, either find a bigger PLASMA or a bigger OLED, which will be with a price drop, at about Xmas.

the best alternative to this is maybe a really good Sony 1080p HD only, because this tv gets a great review.

but i'm finding it very hard to make my mind up:cool:

the curve just looks strange, it makes the tv look wider at the ends, it looks unnatural especially side on
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No brainer, go for the W829. I've got the 50" W829, it's a brilliant TV, all the features you need, won't disappoint, also purchased from Currys.

Btw, do you know someone from Currys? Was wondering where you got the 8% off code, I'm purchasing some kit off there in the next few weeks.
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