Uefa Champions League Final Ticket Ballot

7 Mar 2005
The Voice Of Football
The ballot to get up to two Champions league final tickets is now open on http://www.uefa.com/competitions/UCL/news/Kind=1/newsId=391004.html

You enter your name into the draw to get tickets and if successful will receive up to two. It is more expensive buying tickets this way than from your club (My tickets were 40 quid for the CL final last year from Liverpool and the ones on Uefa were 70) but it is a great way of getting an extra set of two tickets.

Good luck!
some of the lads on the liverpool forum i visit got a second email to give them their details if they were successful. Those with an empty email can try forwarding it to anoter email account as apparantly that has worked for some people (not for me)

I imagine without the second email with the details its safe to say I didn't get any. Would have fancied seeing Barca in the final.
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