ughhh i hate people on mobile phones

6 Apr 2011
just a random rant

tonight i went out with some mates on the bikes and i was leading going round a roundabout at well below the speed limit about 25 (in a 40) and all of a sudden some t*at in a clio pulls right out in front of me i hoot and slam on my brakes nearly going into the side of him. and look directly at him and to see low and behold he is chatting on his mobile phone i follow him up to a set of traffic lights and pull beside him (with him still on the phone) he grunts and i said "do you know you nearly just knocked me off at the roundabout, maybe if you weren't on the phone you could concentrate more!" his reply was "f off you d*ck " he then shut his window and carried on with his phone call!! i wouldn't of minded so much if he did the typical car drives "really sorry i didn't see you"
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