Uhuh, Uh, yeah!

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
"Tosh" Geoffrey had said, trying to smile. Fans Weather is similar to what people used to call.

Whatever you called the stuff, however, there were enough torches in there to get the whole village afire - it would burn like a Guy Fawkes dummy, Geoffrey thought. The pig had been on a stick, sagging, black, falling apart. "Here it is, Annie, how do you like it? And they do wonders with prosthetics these days. No Chivas Regal here; this was the fictional equivalent of backwoods popskull. "

He looked again, as if to confirm the dreadfulness of the ! sight, and again made as if to rush to where Misery had been tied to a post in a jungle clearing, her arms over her head. The latter three Misery novels had been little more than straightforward adventure tales with a fair amount of piquantly described sex thrown in to please the ladies. in 1921.
I don't think that you can be racist against people from Yorkshire. That would implicitly assume that they're even the same species - and I think it's plain to all that our trees diverged some time about thirty thousand years ago. Their primitive language only confirms this.
Mohinder said:
Just because he's from Yorkshire doesn't mean he necessarily smells of tripe, you racist.

lol. i do love the completely irrelevant use of the word racist. well done :) today i am mostly excited about being late to pick you up, just to worry you :p
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