UK give aid, time to stop it. ?

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13 Nov 2020
United Kingdom
With the massive financial issues the Country faces going forward I think the time has justifiably come to stop most of the aid the UK sends abroad.

The government is having the same logical ideas.

But what is your take on this ?

No, it's a small amount of money in relative terms. It's a % of our income so it naturally decreases when times are hard. It does an awful lot of good across the world, for countries that generally need it. It also helps UK interest abroad, something which we are in desperate need of.

To be fortunate to live in a relatively wealthy country and be able and willing to help those less fortunate is a great position to be in and one we should be proud of and vehemently protect.
What will be the impact to the world with that reduction in aid?

It could be a significant amount in all honesty. Billions of pounds. But make no mistake we have not even hit the financial issues we face ahead. So we will need it to extend any possible future lockdowns, support businesses and keep the economy ticking ?
I am not against a slight tax rise, or a small fuel rise. But to me the amount we send in aid is significant to help support us in those challenging times.
Same old crud has been trotted out for donkeys years by the nationalist scroats of the UK.

Still, at least Covid covers up the B shaped hole that Boris has dug for the country. :p
To not even consider it is unreasonable. I appreciate we are part of an international community, and although I'm not suggesting it should end there, the phrase "charity begins at home" exists for a reason.
To not even consider it is unreasonable. I appreciate we are part of an international community, and although I'm not suggesting it should end there, the phrase "charity begins at home" exists for a reason.

Are you suggesting we give the money to benefit scroungers?
Are we still sending money to India, when they have a space programme and lots of the population are in poverty, obviously any money sent does not reach the population
No, id rather the govt stopped giving millions upon millions away to mates who have no experience of what they are contracted for and who then deliver nothing in return

also lol its always the "new joiners" ;) with the right wing nuttyness
I don’t think anyone challenges aid can help other Countries. But of that ££££ Billions which % actually gets to the needed areas. I would imagine a few sultans or princes get a nice cut.
It’s surely outdated and given our current crisis I think it may be inevitable we see a large reduction at least.

So what you're saying is
we should give it to Smaug?

See, I can play whatever game you want to play too :p


Inevitably the cash savings would just disappear elsewhere. I would favour some portion being given to an independent charity focusing on UK poverty.
Aid is commonly misunderstood. It's not about charity, it's not about humanitarianism, although they are nice byproducts. Aid is about international influence and soft power, to further the UK's ability to export goods and services abroad as well as influencing other countries to be more inline with the UK foreign policy objectives. I don't like Brexit, but in a "Global Britain" world, aid is only becoming more important to try and stem the withdrawl from being a global power and further our economic self-interest.
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