UK GOV Petition to keep games working once support ends.

18 Feb 2011
Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state Require publishers to leave videogames (and related game assets / features) they have sold to customers in a reasonably working state when support ends, so that no further intervention whatsoever is necessary for the game to function, as a statutory consumer right.

Please sign the petition to keep games alive and in a working state once support ends. It's at almost 27K now.

Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state Require publishers to leave videogames (and related game assets / features) they have sold to customers in a reasonably working state when support ends, so that no further intervention whatsoever is necessary for the game to function, as a statutory consumer right.

Please sign the petition to keep games alive and in a working state once support ends. It's at almost 27K now.

Gov petitions isn’t the answer. Class action lawsuits against devs with already standing consumer rights laws is.

The govt themselves have already responded explaining the consumer rights on the petition main bit being

Consumers should also be aware that while there is a statutory right for goods (including intangible digital content) to be of a satisfactory quality, that will only be breached if they are not of the standard which a reasonable person would consider to be satisfactory, taking into account circumstances including the price and any description given.

KSP 2 comes to mind here as the current state of the game does not fit the description or trailers given yet the studio has shut the project down.
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