UK Is the most unequal developed country

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31 Dec 2023
The OP is one of a few “real name” posters who juggle the truth to present a depressing story denigrating UK life. Given that to all intents and purposes there’s an online war with China, Russia and various others, these type of posts are extremely suspicious.

Life in the UK could be better and the country could be better run but it’s not anywhere near as depressingly bad as some hysterically try to make out. There are (sadly) far too many places in the world where many are far worse off

There is an online war with those countries plus a social one as well.

You correctly say there are many yet forget this country is supposed to be one of the wealthiest in the world.

It depends on which side you are viewing it from.
It is worse than depressingly bad as you put it.

I am sorry to say, some people don't like the truth.
Some posters here still think we are still in an empire.

I just don't see a way out, some people here think, hey not another anti immigration post etc..

It is a combination of everything, that has caused this. Yes, immigration is part of this combination.

But keep sticking your head in the sand, thinking everything is ok.

Yesterday, I was speaking to someone who had a good job, had an accident and can no longer work. He was discussing the appalling legal system and the failure of the system to compensate him for his health issues. The failure of the heath system it self.

He is on benefits and feels he is being hit twice. He was explaining in reality there is no help for someone like him. He was explaining how the system destroyed him.
His story is pretty depressive one, very sad.

Made me think how lucky I was but also made me think how destroyed this country is. It opened my eyes and showed me how utterly fake and corrupt this country really is.

I hear many similar stories every Saturday.

After hearing these stories you start to think It could have been you.
Until you go out their you don't really see the poverty and injustice, the impact of a failing system that so many think highly off.
Last edited:
29 Aug 2007
There is an online war with those countries plus a social one as well.

You correctly say there are many yet forget this country is supposed to be one of the wealthiest in the world.

It depends on which side you are viewing it from.
It is worse than depressingly bad as you put it.

I am sorry to say, some people don't like the truth.
Some posters here still think we are still in an empire.

I just don't see a way out, some people here think, hey not another anti immigration post etc..

It is a combination of everything, that has caused this. Yes, immigration is part of this combination.

But keep sticking your head in the sand, thinking everything is ok.

Yesterday, I was speaking to someone who had a good job, had an accident and can no longer work. He was discussing the appalling legal system and the failure of the system to compensate him for his health issues. The failure of the heath system it self.

He is on benefits and feels he is being hit twice. He was explaining in reality there is no help for someone like him. He was explaining how the system destroyed him.
His story is pretty depressive one, very sad.

Made me think how lucky I was but also made me think how destroyed this country is. It opened my eyes and showed me how utterly fake and corrupt this country really is.

I hear many similar stories every Saturday.

After hearing these stories you start to think It could have been you.
Until you go out their you don't really see the poverty and injustice, the impact of a failing system that so many think highly off.

1 Mar 2010
5 degrees starboard
You know it us really strange how massive the draw is to live and work in this country. The quality of its free education, it's free at the point of use health service even it's universal social welfare.
It may not always be the best, few countries are, you always have to look at the whole picture. Frequent moaning gets nobody nowhere. Go and vote for change or move elsewhere is my take on it.
13 Jan 2010
To be fair to you many countries are now electing populist (often right wing) idiots, including New Zealand; it's not a disease that's exclusive to the UK, it's just that we did it sooner.

However, I am hopeful we are about to turn a corner after the next election (unlike these other countries). The concern is that we are at such a low ebb that it may be too late and that the next government may be too scared of the tabloid press to take the necessary radical action to fix things.

Yeah totally get that

Tbh the main reason to leave is to explore and our unappealing climate.
The other stuff is just a bit of an extra push.

I don't hate the UK. I certainly don't like the direction of travel.. But like you say.. Its not just here.
Big one was brexit though. That has been probably the single biggest "I'd rather leave than stay" push.
13 Jan 2010
You know it us really strange how massive the draw is to live and work in this country. The quality of its free education, it's free at the point of use health service even it's universal social welfare.
It may not always be the best, few countries are, you always have to look at the whole picture. Frequent moaning gets nobody nowhere. Go and vote for change or move elsewhere is my take on it.

These are all good things.
Unfortunately with FPTP most votes don't matter. And the NHS and welfare state is being deconstructed bit by bit.

I'd rather pay more tax and know I was going to be looked after than pay less.. And have to fund it myself.

The later is probably worse as when health and social care become private.. Profiteering takes over. So paying more tax and getting it from the state "should" be cheaper.
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