UK Slang

25 Nov 2005
Post your favourites :}

feed the pony Vrb phrs. To molest the female genitals, in the manner of cupping one's hand to feed a horse or pony (bwaha)

man boobs Noun. Male breasts. Cf. 'moobs', 'man ****'.

David Gower Noun. A shower. Rhyming slang. [1980s]

deep sea diver Noun. A five pound monetary note (£5). Rhyming slang for fiver.

only skimmed through :D
Ive never understood the fascination with slang, especially rhyming slang as its usually easier to just say "im going for a shower" instead "im going for a David Gower"

Anyone see "Your face or mine" (something like that) when it had some london idiot on there? Kept saying everything in slang like "its all gravy".

I swear if i ever met someone that actually spoke like that i think id knock seven shades out of them as i find it so bloody annoying!

The only rhyming slang i actaully like is "merchant banker" and thats only because i once heard someone use it towards someone else and this lad just smiled as he had no idea what it meant.
Here are a couple of my favourites, strangely not listed on that page.

yop - verb - to vomit
Leo Sayer - noun - to indulge in an all day session of drinking alcohol often referred to as an 'all dayer'

Usage: I have just yopped 'coz I've been out on a Leo Sayer.

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