Ultima 9000i Hydrophobia

They are built when you order them, so they won't have one in the shop unless someone has ordered one - you might want to post in the customer service sub-forum, see if they have any being built, maybe give them a call and ask them to look at this thread?

Unless there are any people with systems already of course ;)

Here is an image I found, it might be something like that, with the blue lights and a water cooling loop. It is a good price though.
Thanks Rooster212
I will do some more searches to see if I can get an accurate idea of how it will look.
The price does seem good and makes me wonder if is worth the time and effort of building and overclocking myself.
Thanks again
It will always be worth building yourself money wise, the thing about building a water cooling loop is that it will be more hassle, and if you are wanting a pre-built, a good time to buy a system is when it is on sale without a doubt :p

I can spec you a system if you like? Or post in the Customer Service part of the forum to get more information about some of the prebuilt systems.
You can change the case to whatever you like if you give our sales team a call. Hwoever case choice will be slightly limited due to the requirement to fit a double 240mm radiator inside it for the watercooling set up.
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