Ultima Online (Outlands)

21 May 2020
Hey all,

I think this feels like the right place to post this as I'm sure many (or at least some) of you would have played the original Ultima Online and it's turning out to be a little more of a 'mature' game (yes, at 47, I'm on the 'more'mature side).

I've recently returned to the game and am loving it. All the original excitement remains with PK's running around, gather trades genuinely needing your time and effort to make great and of course ..... Bards still rule (Kinda).

I'm plaing on the server Outlands. Which is free of charge and is well populated. I understand there are many servers available - some charge and some do not and population varies.

A word of warning though....... the game was always a time sink and if care for your loved ones you may want to think twice about downloading and logging in again as its massively addictive.

For those that have played before ....You'll be hooked as soon as you hear the music.

For those that don't know. The graphics are shocking. I mean this thing will play on an electric typwritter if you angled it correctly. It's success is built on its community, discord (amazing instant help) and game play.

There are no fixed character templates and most skills will benefit and boost others so you can build to suit your play style with no FotM template.

Check it out and the discord.

This guys videos are amazing and a great place to start.

Discord UO Outlands

There are no 'benefits' to me if you join but if you do and you want to chat in discord im Barrak (#0756 - though I'm not sure what this part means).
One of my mates has tried to get me back on, fond memories from the late 90's playing that but I told him I cant sink the time these days. It was even good on dial-up, far better than some modern MMO's for sure. :)
The willpower is impressive!!

I caved almost immediately.

I remember playing about a year after I moved into my first property. I had dial up and about a week in I took 1 week off work sick......

But holy crap, that week..... and the constant playing for the first month. My first DIAL up bill was something like £250 for one month.
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I went on call as he came online and we laughed a lot, but I then recall the macro's and all the hotkeys I used to know off by heart. It seems easier to level these days but I had to resist! :D

I made a thief alt back in the early days and mimicked the NPC stumbling pattern even calling him an old fashioned normal name. The fun had bumbling around the bank, stealing and hiding was awesome, well before they made that Trammel nonsense and it made the PVP die rapidly. So detailed it was way ahead of its time when that came out!
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That UOGamers Hydrid shard I mention above, it shutdown not long after I posted that due to the guy running it throwing his toys out of the pram or something. Was quite sad about it because it was an abrupt end to the shard. I looked at the other free shards but they all seemed to use a different map than in original UO, and I just want to pootle for nostalgia as I mention. Anyway, it has recently reopened under new management and I am back in there and immediately addicted to it again. Having to start from scratch again as the new chap deleted everyone's characters to keep it fair to new players, but that is half the fun to be honest, plus everyone is in the same boat. The server name is LOGIN.UOGAMERS.COM with the default port on Razor.
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