Ultramarines: The Movie

12 Jan 2004


It is the 41st millennium, a savage and grim dark future when mankind battles for survival in a galaxy riven by bloodshed and destruction. Humanity teeters on the brink of extinction, assailed on all sides by the most grievous enemies - aliens, mutants and traitors. Only the colossal numbers of the Imperial Guard and the indomitable strength of the Space Marines, genetically-enhanced elite warriors of superhuman power and devastating ability, can offer any defence. Of all the ancient and venerable chapters of Space Marines, the Ultramarines are arguably the most powerful, most respected and most fearless. Pure of purpose and loyal to the Emperor, the Ultramarines are regarded as the most driven and strict, the most disciplined and courageous of Space Marine chapters.

Captain Severus, a revered veteran warrior with a considerable reputation, has received an urgent request for assistance from the remote backwater planet Mithron. Mithron has only one site of strategic importance, a shrine defended for countless generations by a full company of Space Marines from the Imperial Fists Chapter. What dreadful fate could have overcome them that they ask for help?

Leaving the bulk of his company on Algol to prosecute the war against the nightmarish Tyranids, Severus sets off for Mithron with only a ten-man squad for support. Ultima Squad is a raw, untrained band of battle brothers, all recently promoted from the ranks of Space Marine Scouts and thirsting for glory. Mithron will be their first taste of action as fully fledged Ultramarines. Severus, with his sergeant Crastor and his apothecary Pythol, knows they’ll need to keep a careful watch on the recruits.

On the tough and unforgiving surface of Mithron, Ultima Squad discovers that a terrible battle has taken place. The shrine has been attacked, and some great evil has been unleashed. As unseen dangers close in around them, the recruits have to mount a tense and deadly insertion to find any surviving Imperial Fists, and the reason behind the distress beacon.

For ambitious new recruits Proteus and Verenor, competitors for their captain’s approval, the reality of the task ahead becomes clear. They want a glorious first taste of combat as fully fledged Space Marines to prove they are worthy of selection. But this mission is a savage fight for survival and, if the Ultramarines fail, events on Mithron will threaten the fate of millions of densely populated Imperial worlds starting with their fortress home of Macragge...


I remember wondering when they'd make a Warhammer movie when I was like 13. I bet it'll probably be pretty rubbish though :(
Well that looks camper than a swordfish in a pink top hat.

Wasn't this meant to be released around the same time as the space marine game that has been put back again and again?

Ill watch it but i will cringe, i used to play with them as a kid and also wondered why there was never a film made.
Always thought a trilogy of the horus hersey would be great. With the wealth of information and art work i thought a blockbuster was in order.
I'd love some proper high budget films, a good film series of the horus heresy (not a trilogy, that would be impossible) would be immense.

I thought the trailer for this looked a bit crap though, GW are absolutely rubbish at taking advantage of their license :(

Although John Hurt...
"For the fans of 40k".

That is where it fails. Has any film ever been good/successful after being made for its niche fanbase? They need to broaden their minds a bit, go down the comic book route and just make a decent action film for the masses. I mean, not everyone likes to actually play 40K, but a lot of people did/know what it's about and everyone likes a good futuristic battle movie.

From the trailer however it looks like a poor fan-made CGI short.
I used to be an avid collector in the mid-late 90's.

I still read a lot of the books, The Horus Heresy series is amazing (i got the latest novel delivered yesterday).

I've known about this for a while, and have the DVD on pre-order :D Should be expecting the collectors DVD with a booklet. I can't wait, as when i was collecting, we used to all talk about how amazing it would be to make a movie...

And now it's here!
I will watch it as I played a lot of Blood Bowl and Warhammer 40k as a bairn.

Terminator squads over Space Marines though. Always. ;)

Also, if there are no Genestealers in the movie then it fails.
Imagine if Michael Bay made a 40K movie. :o

He'd probably start the film with a planetary bombardment, have the main SM character fall in love with beautiful Adeptus Soriotus battle sister, and have them fight evil titans together, with the odd moment of humour as a titan suffers an oil leak...

This film could be good, but I don't hold out many hopes.
"For the fans of 40k".

That is where it fails. Has any film ever been good/successful after being made for its niche fanbase? They need to broaden their minds a bit, go down the comic book route and just make a decent action film for the masses. I mean, not everyone likes to actually play 40K, but a lot of people did/know what it's about and everyone likes a good futuristic battle movie.

From the trailer however it looks like a poor fan-made CGI short.

If you did that you would then have whole swathes of GW 40K fans up in arms over how the genre has been dumbed down for the masses. Just look at what that fool Bay has done with Transformers.

How you can call that poor fan-made I don't know. It looked great.

When the trailer for Dawn of War first appeared many people said that if they made film it would have to look like that - it does.

I've only read 40K (apart from Metro 2033) for about 3 years now.

I also blew £100 on Space Hulk 2009 edition this week :D
If you did that you would then have whole swathes of GW 40K fans up in arms over how the genre has been dumbed down for the masses. Just look at what that fool Bay has done with Transformers.

I fully endorse this statement.

Would much rather have a canonical (real word?) fan-mad film than a Bay-esk abomination.
Ordered my copy will get it november 21st.
I used to be into games workshop, my mate and his 4 brothers and dad were really into and built a big extension outside with a massive tabletop to play on. I used to bring over my tyranid army and we would be there all day. They had spacemarines, chaos, orks and sisters of battle and we had a massive free for all.
Also used to play spacehulk,gorkamorka and necrumunda all excellent games.
just give me a five man squad of grey wolves and Ragnar Blackmane and I would own all you lot in combat
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