Ultrawide monitor.. budget

19 May 2012
Are there any decent ultrawide budget monitors apart from the ElectriQ

I'm debating dropping 280£ on it but is there anything significantly better for another 100£ or so quid or do I need to dip into the 800-1k bracket to get something significantly better?
If you're happy with 29" 2560x1080 there's a whole series of them at around £250-350. Then you're looking at 34" 2560x1080 at £400-£600 as the next step up, then into 34" 3440x1440 which are £600+.

For the price nothing can even get close to Res and screen size, but quality control doesn't appear to be that great. As you can imagine the panels are likely rejects from the major brands so may have stuck pixels, excessive backlight bleed or bad uniformity across the panel. If you can potentially put up with those then go ahead.
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