Umbraco Database

25 Feb 2007
I need a way to insert data into Umbraco's database.

Basically, we already have a bespoke CMS powering our site but want to migrate to Umbraco - I need to pull all the content out of the current CMS and insert it into Umbraco.

Having looked at the database, it doesn't look as though the content is stored in there :confused: is that right?

Alternatively, if anyone has a better way of doing this, let me know! :D
Not very complex, I don't think constructing the XML string myself would be that difficult.

However, I don't seem to have any tables which are prefixed with cms!

I only have ones prefixed with Attribute and Node and one called Locale.

These all live in a database called umbraco - is there an additional database?

I'm a bit in the dark as I didn't install it!
Right Ok, so the demo site doesn't have the tables our real site will have?

That would make sense as we haven't started moving our site yet, I was just investigating moving our data!
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