ummm i still think its slow

3 Feb 2006
not sure
sorry to keep moaning i brought a leadtek 7600gt AGP for me computer ive played gtr2 demo and it still seems slow even more so in the rain i know people have said it aint programed very well (demo) so im wondering if you could post your fps.

ive got most things at high/medium @ 1440/900 wide screen

me fps in the dry with 15 cars is about 50 in the rain its drops to 14/20 ish.

please help is it me or does it happen to all?. :confused:
maybe me cpu then?
any thing i can do without upgrading again?.

may be a setting but i set graphics to low in the nvidia control panel helps a very small amount.may need to wait for full game to come out this friday.
it gives u the optoin at start of race.

ive been lookink on another site a few people have had the prob to?.

well may see friday when it comes out cant do any more than that.
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