UN sees sense

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15 Oct 2021

Former Health Secretary Matt Hancock has had a job offer from the United Nations withdrawn.

Mr Hancock announced this week that he had been given a role helping Africa's economy recover from Covid.

The UN said he would bring valuable experience - but Mr Hancock now says a rule has come to light that prevents him from taking the job while an MP.

Leading figures across Africa and UK opposition parties had criticised the UN's choice of the MP for the role.

I suspect it was always going to be a challenge without party doners hoping to make a killing out of the crisis backing him. What might we learn from this?
... Zuck employed Clegg - but maybe he is laughing all the way to the bank
.... Pretis still got a job despite going off reservation & bullying - because she's one of the few women in the village.

But we now have someone worse than Hancock with no empathy, who isn't cowering.
When is he being prosecuted for putting discharged COVID patients into care homes without being tested first? he probably has a higher kill ratio than all of the unvaxxed combined.
Last line of the article:

"The last thing the African continent needs is a failed British politician. This isn't the 19th Century."

Africa is REALLY good at creating their own failed politicians. No help needed from us.
UN and sense should not belong in the same sentence.

Always makes me laugh when they give space to the Muslim tin pot dictatorship countries around the world space to moan at Israel for human rights abuses etc.

The power to veto from certain countries and it's collusion with the poo bear over covid make me see it as not fit for purpose and a bloody bad joke.
I always recall the UN during the Balkans crisis, totally and utterly ineffective and dithering, Trump was quite right about them. They are just like the wastrels in the EU.
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