Unable to cleanly remove a program (WMIC)

25 Jul 2003
Not sure if this is best here or in Windows.

Firstly, I've tried a silent uninstall using the msiexec path, it leads to the exact same problem described below - which leads me to believe the installer is badly written, but it's all I have to work with.

Trying to script a software update - the update I can do fine, however the new version cannot be installed over the top of a previous version, and so I'm trying to remove the old program cleanly [and automatically], but I can't for the life of me get it to work.

The product is listed if I run a
wmic product get name
and for all intents and purposes running the
wmic product where name="software" call uninstall
runs successfully (success code returned), however I'm left with the software still in Add/Remove programs, but no icon, and it appears to be stuck there (it no longer appears under the product get name query).

I then can't install the new version because it detects - presumably - the [broken] registry settings of the old version.

Any ideas?
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