Unable to update Windows 10....

6 May 2009
Hi all,

So... Windows 10 usually updates itself rather frequently and fairly regularly with no issue. I've had my PC since January 2017.

I've not been on my PC for a few weeks and today it's telling me that there's another update and it needs me to manually perform a restart. Fine, no bother.

However it's tried to do so twice now and both times it's failed to apply it.

It says in the Windows 10 update section of settings that I'm up to date.

However it also says that I'm currently running a version of Windows that's nearing the end of service.

In my update history it simply says that it failed to install update to Windows 10. version 1909 (4) last failed attempt 07/03/2020 0x80070003

According to the About section I am currently running the following:

Windows 10 Pro
Version 1809 installed on the 16/01/2019
OS build 17763.973

There's no error message pop ups. The two times that I've tried it restarts several times, says something about undoing changes and then boots to the log in screen as per the norm. When I then go to Windows update section in the settings area, it says what I've stated above

Does anyone know what is wrong and how I can apply the update?

Disable your network connection and run Disk Cleanup as Administraor, making sure you select the Windows Update files.

With the network connection still disabled, stop the Windows Update service and delete the SoftwareDistribution folder from C:\Windows and restart the Windows Update service.

Restart the PC then try Windows Update again.

OK sorry form late reply and thank you for your response...

I am confused....

I disabled network connection and attempted to run the disk clean up program, selecting the Windows update files. Apparently 4.0GB worth.

I think this worked.

I can't delete the software distribution folder as it says another program is using it, but nothing is? Network is still disabled.

Stuck here...

Ok, to add, I was able to manually delete the folders within software distribution one by one.... I've left them in the recycle bin as I'm not 100% sure what they are and I don't delete stuff in the Windows directory outright without a full understanding of what it is. Lest I end up doing something akin to system 32ing myself....

I wasn't able to restart the Windows Update process as with no active network it did nothing, so I just restated the whole pc.

Windows Update now says that I am up to date as of current time.

However it also still says that I'm currently running a version of Windows that's nearing the end of service. It recommends that I upgrade to the most recent version of Windows 10.

If it's not an update, then what the Hell does it want me to do? Buy another version of Windows? I'm running Pro....

Same version, 1809

OS build is now 17763.1075

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Rather than quote the above post, I'll just tag you - I hope it works and that you don't mind.

It doesn't sound like you knew what I mean by disabling the Windows Update service, or I'm perhaps just being silly and reading your post wrong! Either way, I should have been clearer.

From the Start menu, type in services and you will be able to click on the Services program to start it. From the long list, find Windows Update and stop it. Then delete the SoftwareDistribution folder and restart the Windows Update service. If you can't delete the folder, also try disabling the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) service and restarting it after deletion.

If you want to upgrade to the current version of Windows, I would just use the Media Creation Tool which you can download from this page, and click the Download tool now button.

I genuinely think that 1909 is country miles better than 1809, especially now the bugs were ironed out in 1903 - 1909 is essentially just 1903. I think when you install 1909 and update it, you'll agree.

Again, thank you for your help!

I think I've gotten confused as to the meaning of the Windows update page in my settings. Thanks to your advice I think I've been able to apply whatever update patch it was wanting me to do, but the message it now displays is clearly suggesting to me that I upgrade from 1809 to 1909. I simply thought it was nothing but bug and security patches that MS offered not a different version of Windows 10.

What's better about it functionality wise? I only use my PC to browse the net, game and the occasional use of Word.

If I choose to upgrade via the tool you linked will my files and settings stay as they are afterwards?

Will it automatically pick up my current license key (I assume this is for the life of Windows 10)?

Thanks again :)
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