Unallocated space on a used drive???

18 Oct 2002
Amsterdam,The Netherlands
I got a call from a friend yesterday (I call him a spyware and virus magnet ;) )

He said he had all kinds of problems blah, blah, so I said to him to run every kind of spyware killer and antivirus he can find so that got rid of the virus (he said)

But he also said that his new storage drive which he had used for a few months suddenly wasn;t visible in Windows Explorer etc....

So I let him check with Disk Management and it turns out the 160Gb drive is fully Unallocated, which is the same as when you get a new unformatted drive, right?

So, what are the options in this case, Windows will only offer to make a new partition but that will deffo erase all the data on it?

Would it help to try and connect it in another machine?
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