Unarchive (maybe) firmware bin file

30 Jan 2007
PA, USA (Orig UK)
I want to take a look at the contents of a .bin file for my Seiki TV. Has anyone done this sort of thing and can either give me some advice?

I don't know if it's an archive file, or a straight binary file etc.

I am totally awful with Linux, but I assume that the firmware will turn out to be linux based.

Just looking at the raw binary (before it goes to a complete encoded mess)
# PreInit
dont_overwrite certificate

# Start auto_update.txt parsing
nand erase.chip

# File Partition: set_partition
dynpart edb64M-nand:0x40000(NPT),0x40000(KL_BP),0x700000(UBIRO),0xA00000(KL),0x300000(CTRL),0x300000(TBL),0x600000(tee),0x100000(RTPM),-(UBI) #set_partition
saveenv #set_partition
ubi part UBIRO #set_partition
setenv UBIRO #set_partition
saveenv #set_partition
ubi create certificate 0x500000 #set_partition
ubi part UBI #set_partition
setenv UBI #set_partition
saveenv #set_partition
ubi create RFS 0x900000 #set_partition
ubi create MSLIB 0x4C00000 #set_partition
ubi create CONFIG 0xA00000 #set_partition
ubi create customer 0x1300000 #set_partition
ubi create customerbackup 0xE00000 #set_partition
ubi create APP 0x7B00000 #set_partition
ubi create oad 0x7A00000 #set_partition
ubi create tee 0x600000 #set_partition
ubi create brickbackup 0x800000 #set_partition
ubi create brickreserve 0x400000 #set_partition
ubi create APPCACHE 0xC00000 #set_partition

# File Partition: kernel
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x4000 0x60ee1f #kernel
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 60ee1f 0x24000000 #kernel
crc32 0x24000000 0x6ac9c0 0x2D200000 #kernel
mw 0x2D200004 0x68B260BC 4 #kernel
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #kernel
nand erase.part KL #kernel
nand write.e 0x24000000 KL $(filesize) #kernel
setenv LOAD_KERNEL nand read.e 0x205FFFC0 KL $(filesize)\; #kernel
setenv BOOT_KERNEL bootm 0x205FFFC0\; #kernel
saveenv #kernel
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x614000 0x13b #kernel
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 13b 0x24000000 #kernel
crc32 0x24000000 0x220 0x2D200000 #kernel
mw 0x2D200004 0x08E46A65 4 #kernel
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #kernel
store_secure_info kernelSign 0x24000000 #kernel
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x624000 0x13a #kernel
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 13a 0x24000000 #kernel
crc32 0x24000000 0x220 0x2D200000 #kernel
mw 0x2D200004 0xBC0BA6C8 4 #kernel
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #kernel
store_secure_info keySetSign 0x24000000 #kernel
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x634000 0x1d #kernel
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 1d 0x24000000 #kernel
crc32 0x24000000 0x524 0x2D200000 #kernel
mw 0x2D200004 0x1BF8E9FD 4 #kernel
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #kernel
store_secure_info keySet 0x24000000 #kernel

# File Partition: mboot
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x644000 0x2c2 #mboot
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 2c2 0x24000000 #mboot
crc32 0x24000000 0x5600 0x2D200000 #mboot
mw 0x2D200004 0xDCC1A977 4 #mboot
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #mboot
filepartload 0x2D210000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x654000 0x387 #mboot
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D210000 387 0x24010000 #mboot
crc32 0x24010000 0x2800 0x2D210000 #mboot
mw 0x2D210004 0x515DEEE1 4 #mboot
cmp.b 0x2D210000 0x2D210004 4 #mboot
filepartload 0x2D220000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x664000 0x81 #mboot
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D220000 81 0x24020000 #mboot
crc32 0x24020000 0x1800 0x2D220000 #mboot
mw 0x2D220004 0x4363F8CE 4 #mboot
cmp.b 0x2D220000 0x2D220004 4 #mboot
filepartload 0x2D230000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x674000 0x2c8 #mboot
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D230000 2c8 0x24030000 #mboot
crc32 0x24030000 0x3800 0x2D230000 #mboot
mw 0x2D230004 0xA200F6C8 4 #mboot
cmp.b 0x2D230000 0x2D230004 4 #mboot
filepartload 0x2D233800 $(UpgradeImage) 0x684000 0x9402b #mboot
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D233800 9402b 0x24033800 #mboot
crc32 0x24033800 0x1d0000 0x2D233800 #mboot
mw 0x2D233804 0x7199679A 4 #mboot
cmp.b 0x2D233800 0x2D233804 4 #mboot
ncishash 0x24000000 0x24010000 0x24020000 0x24030000 0x3800 0x24033800 $(filesize) #mboot

# File Partition: ROOTFS
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x724000 0x3373fd #ROOTFS
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 3373fd 0x24000000 #ROOTFS
crc32 0x24000000 0x782000 0x2D200000 #ROOTFS
mw 0x2D200004 0x8648E965 4 #ROOTFS
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #ROOTFS
ubi part UBI #ROOTFS
ubi write 0x24000000 RFS 0x782000 0x782000 #ROOTFS
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0xa64000 0xe7f #ROOTFS
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 e7f 0x24000000 #ROOTFS
crc32 0x24000000 0x1100 0x2D200000 #ROOTFS
mw 0x2D200004 0xE91D14E2 4 #ROOTFS
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #ROOTFS
store_secure_info ROOTFSSign 0x24000000 #ROOTFS

# File Partition: mslib
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0xa74000 0x12cc518 #mslib
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 12cc518 0x24000000 #mslib
crc32 0x24000000 0x1e00000 0x2D200000 #mslib
mw 0x2D200004 0x1968F1EE 4 #mslib
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #mslib
ubi part UBI #mslib
ubi write 0x24000000 MSLIB 0x1e00000 0x41a2000 #mslib
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x1d44000 0x14faeff #mslib
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 14faeff 0x24000000 #mslib
crc32 0x24000000 0x1e00000 0x2D200000 #mslib
mw 0x2D200004 0xA6D26E89 4 #mslib
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #mslib
ubi write_cont 0x24000000 MSLIB 0x1e00000 #mslib
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x3244000 0x3569d2 #mslib
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 3569d2 0x24000000 #mslib
crc32 0x24000000 0x5a2000 0x2D200000 #mslib
mw 0x2D200004 0xBBD54E24 4 #mslib
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #mslib
ubi write_cont 0x24000000 MSLIB 0x5a2000 #mslib
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x35a4000 0xe7c #mslib
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 e7c 0x24000000 #mslib
crc32 0x24000000 0x1100 0x2D200000 #mslib
mw 0x2D200004 0xC3C53DC2 4 #mslib
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #mslib
store_secure_info mslibSign 0x24000000 #mslib

# File Partition: applications
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x35b4000 0x131aad2 #applications
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 131aad2 0x24000000 #applications
crc32 0x24000000 0x1e00000 0x2D200000 #applications
mw 0x2D200004 0x3155AAB4 4 #applications
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #applications
ubi part UBI #applications
ubi write 0x24000000 APP 0x1e00000 0x6bc6000 #applications
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x48d4000 0x1b80859 #applications
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 1b80859 0x24000000 #applications
crc32 0x24000000 0x1e00000 0x2D200000 #applications
mw 0x2D200004 0xB5C84736 4 #applications
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #applications
ubi write_cont 0x24000000 APP 0x1e00000 #applications
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x6464000 0x16a8106 #applications
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 16a8106 0x24000000 #applications
crc32 0x24000000 0x1e00000 0x2D200000 #applications
mw 0x2D200004 0x59D5A985 4 #applications
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #applications
ubi write_cont 0x24000000 APP 0x1e00000 #applications
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x7b14000 0xab8c6e #applications
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 ab8c6e 0x24000000 #applications
crc32 0x24000000 0x11c6000 0x2D200000 #applications
mw 0x2D200004 0xDBEBD78B 4 #applications
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #applications
ubi write_cont 0x24000000 APP 0x11c6000 #applications
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x85d4000 0xe7e #applications
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 e7e 0x24000000 #applications
crc32 0x24000000 0x1100 0x2D200000 #applications
mw 0x2D200004 0x56F97C14 4 #applications
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #applications
store_secure_info applicationsSign 0x24000000 #applications

# File Partition: config
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x85e4000 0x16dc7a #config
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 16dc7a 0x24000000 #config
crc32 0x24000000 0x592000 0x2D200000 #config
mw 0x2D200004 0x3AA18D68 4 #config
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #config
ubi part UBI #config
ubi write 0x24000000 CONFIG 0xA00000 #config

# File Partition: customer
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x8754000 0x41239a #customer
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 41239a 0x24000000 #customer
crc32 0x24000000 0x87a000 0x2D200000 #customer
mw 0x2D200004 0x7E097947 4 #customer
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #customer
ubi part UBI #customer
ubi write 0x24000000 customer 0x1300000 #customer
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x8b74000 0x38b #customer
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 38b 0x24000000 #customer
crc32 0x24000000 0x326000 0x2D200000 #customer
mw 0x2D200004 0xB308B81C 4 #customer
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #customer
ubi part UBI #customer
ubi write 0x24000000 customerbackup 0x400000 #customer

# File Partition: RT_PM
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x8b84000 0x28c4 #RT_PM
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 28c4 0x24000000 #RT_PM
crc32 0x24000000 0x10000 0x2D200000 #RT_PM
mw 0x2D200004 0x99DE0E81 4 #RT_PM
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #RT_PM
nand erase.part RTPM #RT_PM
nand write.e 0x24000000 RTPM $(filesize) #RT_PM

# File Partition: certificate
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x8b94000 0x116b2 #certificate
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 116b2 0x24000000 #certificate
crc32 0x24000000 0x326000 0x2D200000 #certificate
mw 0x2D200004 0x3A320EAF 4 #certificate
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #certificate
ubi part UBIRO #certificate
ubi write 0x24000000 certificate 0x500000 #certificate

# File Partition: tee
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x8bb4000 0x15ec67 #tee
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 15ec67 0x24000000 #tee
crc32 0x24000000 0x389ef0 0x2D200000 #tee
mw 0x2D200004 0x2B21F99A 4 #tee
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #tee
nand erase.part tee #tee
nand write.e 0x24000000 tee $(filesize) #tee
setenv LOAD_NUTTX nand read.e 0x5EF00000 tee $(filesize)\; #tee
setenv BOOT_NUTTX bootNuttx 0x1EF00000\; #tee
saveenv #tee
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x8d14000 0x13c #tee
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 13c 0x24000000 #tee
crc32 0x24000000 0x220 0x2D200000 #tee
mw 0x2D200004 0x8D614CD9 4 #tee
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #tee
store_secure_info teeSign 0x24000000 #tee
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x8d24000 0x20a #tee
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 20a 0x24000000 #tee
crc32 0x24000000 0x7ac 0x2D200000 #tee
mw 0x2D200004 0x0EF940DB 4 #tee
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #tee
store_nuttx_config NuttxConfig 0x24000000 #tee

# File Partition: brickbackup
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x8d34000 0x4397d6 #brickbackup
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 4397d6 0x24000000 #brickbackup
crc32 0x24000000 0x744000 0x2D200000 #brickbackup
mw 0x2D200004 0xB29340F6 4 #brickbackup
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #brickbackup
ubi part UBI #brickbackup
ubi write 0x24000000 brickbackup 0x800000 #brickbackup

# File Partition: brickreserve
filepartload 0x2D200000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x9174000 0x3fb #brickreserve
mscompress7 d 0 0x2D200000 3fb 0x24000000 #brickreserve
crc32 0x24000000 0x326000 0x2D200000 #brickreserve
mw 0x2D200004 0x977F8252 4 #brickreserve
cmp.b 0x2D200000 0x2D200004 4 #brickreserve
ubi part UBI #brickreserve
ubi write 0x24000000 brickreserve 0x400000 #brickreserve

# File Partition: appcache
filepartload 0x29600000 $(UpgradeImage) 0x9184000 0x388 #appcache
mscompress7 d 0 0x29600000 388 0x20400000 #appcache
crc32 0x20400000 0x326000 0x29600000 #appcache
mw 0x29600004 0xE0369B1E 4 #appcache
cmp.b 0x29600000 0x29600004 4 #appcache
ubi part UBI #appcache
ubi write 0x20400000 APPCACHE 0xC00000 #appcache

# File Partition: set_config
setenv MS_RFS ubi.mtd=UBI ubi.mtd=UBIRO ubi.mtd=UBILD root=ubi0:RFS rootfstype=ubifs ro #set_config
setenv UBI_SPEED_UP ubispeedup=UBI #set_config
setenv DynMmapID E_MMAP_ID_BOOTLOGO_BUFFER #set_config
setenv bootlogo_buffer E_MMAP_ID_BOOTLOGO_BUFFER #set_config
setenv bootlogo_gopidx 1 #set_config
setenv BOOTLOGOARGS bootlogo_dfblayer=2 delaylogo=true CLOSE_BOOTLOGO #set_config
setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 $(MS_RFS) $(mtdparts) $(UBI_SPEED_UP) $(BOOTLOGOARGS) #set_config
setenv bootcmd $(LOAD_KERNEL) $(LOAD_NUTTX) $(BOOT_NUTTX) \; $(BOOT_KERNEL) #set_config
setenv verify n #set_config
saveenv #set_config
setenv CtvUpgrade_complete 1
% <- this is end of script symbol
Last edited:
I see lots of reference to people just saying the opened the archive etc. I've tried zip and xz, but no luck so far. I don't have linux installed yet to try out a 'File' command.

That bin file is intended to go on a USB stick for flashing.
What I wanted to do was compare the bin for the 42" screen I have against the 55" model, and see if the 55 firmware can be used on the 42. The reason being that a similar thing happened with a previous model from this manufacturer and doing so allowed 120hz at 1080p to be used.
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