Unbelievable frustrating problem need ideas

31 Jan 2003
After messing with PC's for many years I have come up against a problem I simply cant solve.

Started with random reboots. When it didn't reboot the mouse froze on the windows login screen. Tried a PS2 mouse and the reboots and mouse feezes remained. Upon reboot windows reported a GPU driver eror. Since then I have formatted, tried 2 USB and 1 PS2 mouse, new motherboard, tried the onboard GFX and a PCIe X800, tried a new PSU, new HDD. The only stuff I havn't tried is memory and CPU although the memory passes memtest+ 100% forever. This kinda leaves the CPU but the symptoms are not CPU related, in fact they tend not to boot if the CPU is faulty. One thing I did notice is a USB windows STOP error during setup but I restarted setup and windows loaded. Still the same problems, mouse freezes, reboots etc. So at this point I am lost. Totally baffled and ready to chuck the lot through the widow. Before I do does anyone have any suggestions? Help or ideas greatly appreciated.
To completely rule out the CPU you really need to try another, or try yours in someone elses system. Once you have ruled it out then you have to consider the possibility that TWO pieces of hardware are causing conflicts.

boner said:
So at this point I am lost. Totally baffled and ready to chuck the lot through the widow.

freudian slip i hope ;)

only other thing i would suggest is trying it with only 1 stick of memory at a time,trying different slots, and try rebuilding it again from scratch outside of the case.
I've been having random reboots on my dinosaur system as well, and found that it was an airflow problem causing the system to overheat (CPU and System). I took off my side panel and now all seems to be going well.....

What are your system and CPU temperatures? This is just a suggestion but check it out :)
Temps are fine and the system has been rock solid for over a year.
I always presumed memtest would pick up on any memory errors but it has to be CPU or Memory related. I will concentrate on those 2 for the time being.
I am sure most enthusiasts have been in this position at some time or other and its great that forums like these, even if the problem isn't solved, makes you feel so much better. A problem shared etc :)
How far through the windows install did you get before the problems started up again?
Perhaps a windows update or driver is causing a conflict of some kind.
You could try some older motherboard drivers, reinstall Direct X, and uninstall the windows updates.
Spec is:

Asus P5GD1-VM............Tried 2 motherboars
AOPEN case and PSU......Tried new PSU
2x512mb Corsair Value Select DDR1....currently swapping about
P4 3Ghz 530J I think.....not touched but running cool
Ati X800 and onboard 915G GFX...tried them both

The error when installing windows was right after copying the files across,first reboot I get a blue screen and a USBxxxxx something error. Bearing in mind this has happened on both boards? I now have windows running and am swapping ram about but neither USB mice will work. Very strange. Running a PS2 I know the next error will be when I install either GFX driver.
Try a vanilla ps2 mouse/keyboard first with usb disabled in bios.
Have you got one of those 2/4 port usb modules that came with mobo connected? (this could be your dodgy part),you could try the mobos ports first.
If you get another bsod error with stop..write it down and have a swatch here
Hope its not the cpu,have you had sp2 running well before on the original setup?
No USB modules running, just the standard ports on the back of the mobo.
SP2 was running great before.
With regards the HDD, as the chipset supports SATA I didn't think I needed drivers? Either way it was working for 12 months as it was.
Many thanks for the suggestions :)
The reason I mentioned sata/promise driver, is that the problem you are having is exactly the same problem I had with an asus board, the mouse freezing when I tried to install windows XP.................
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