Undecided - 32GB Ballistix or 16GB 8 Pack Xtreem

6 Aug 2009
I have both of the below:

32GB 2x16GB of Ballistix running @ 3200MHz C14 (e die)

16GB 2x8GB 8 Pack Xtreem 4000MHz plan is to try for close as possible to 3800MHz 1900 IF (b die)

Any thoughts which I should stick with? I got the 32GB for casual video editing. Ideally I'd like capacity and speed but you can't have everything!
That E-die should clock also to 3600MHz CL16 nicely.
And likely also further.
E-die is the second best DRAM and not that far from B-die.

Also if your concerned about gaming dual rank helps some by allowing interleaving.
(other rank can be send its own command while first rank is processing its command)

I think what you're saying is sell the 8 Pack and use that money elsewhere ;)

Is the fact they are 16GB modules an indication that they are dual rank?
At the moment the 2 X 16GB Ballistix is running at 3600MHz C14. Need to do more stability testing before I am sure but I'm surprised it will run at all at that.
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