Under Cover (Time crysis inspired) feb 15 2024

did you cehck out Crisis Brigade 2 reloaded / Crisis Brigade 1 ?
spent a few hours on 1 on side quest was a lot of fun.

we had Time Crisis back in the day a lot of fun so i'll mos likely pick this up as it has Co-op as well for some of the social events.
it does look good on the trailer. im so tempted to pick it up on the weekend, good way to do squats with the active cover system.
trailer style makes me think of I expect you to die
so i did end up getting this yesterday. so i can try giving one of those referal codes if some one asks.

its arcady but i dont think in a bad way. the cover system /reload isnt to physically intense as i thought it might be, a small movement down puts you in to cover a reload. i think at one point i was leaning back or side and it put me in cover.
game play is what it is, shooty. aiming isnt to bad, theres little things to find like the power ups (some timnes hidden away). the unique weapons are interesting in there selfs differant enough for the characters (each have the same basic and 1 unique) then you have the additional pickups.

i can see it being fun in a team, not as serious as VRBR.
the comentery can be come a bit repetative but i soon tuned it out, and more lissened for ques like out of ammo when i havent been paying attention.
ive seen the badies pop up in additional places i hadnt seen before on the play throughts.

my only real irritant is how they move the characters between the varios stages. i dont quiet like it. its not bad just sort of annoying.
thats based on playing the 1 mission through 3 times.
as others aid its liniar in its move and game play.

i'll have to see how the cover system works in my normall play space were its a lot more limited in area, and more a standing spot. TBH i didnt do much left or right movement so i think this works well in confied areas.
its gots a thumbs up at the moment.

side note i tried the swarm demo, didnt make me motion sick surprisingly so will prob get that at some point. Single play only.
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