Underfloor solution for connecting pc to tv

18 Mar 2010
My pc is 4-5m from my TV. I have a long hdmi cable and I will occasionally connect to the TV to play games or watch films, but it is a fairly inelegant solution, and probably means that I do this less often than I should.

I assume that instead I could have a wall socket near my pc, and another by the TV, and connect to the sockets with short hdmi cables. If so what socket do I need? What is the underfloor cabling called? What would be the ballpark costs for this?

We currently have laminate flooring, and are planning to carpet the area soon, so I thought it would make sense to do this first.
Is it concrete under flooring? If so go and hire a wall chaser and put a chase in floor from point to point, then use a standard HDMI cable but put it in trunking or other cable protection depending on the application.
Once chasing the floor go up the wall to a 1G KO box and put a HDMI euro module with a blank (the blank being a spare for future use)
TV end chase up wall to TV.

Cost wont be a lot id guess £20 for trunking + KO box
£10 for euro module and blank.
My pc is 4-5m from my TV. I have a long hdmi cable and I will occasionally connect to the TV to play games or watch films, but it is a fairly inelegant solution, and probably means that I do this less often than I should.

I assume that instead I could have a wall socket near my pc, and another by the TV, and connect to the sockets with short hdmi cables. If so what socket do I need? What is the underfloor cabling called? What would be the ballpark costs for this?

We currently have laminate flooring, and are planning to carpet the area soon, so I thought it would make sense to do this first.

you can always use wireless HDMI - works very well now

alternatively, fire TV?
Is it concrete under flooring? If so go and hire a wall chaser and put a chase in floor from point to point, then use a standard HDMI cable but put it in trunking or other cable protection depending on the application.
Once chasing the floor go up the wall to a 1G KO box and put a HDMI euro module with a blank (the blank being a spare for future use)
TV end chase up wall to TV.

Cost wont be a lot id guess £20 for trunking + KO box
£10 for euro module and blank.

Presumably you could have a euro module both ends? I dont want wires hanging out the wall/floor in case the tv is moved.
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