Understanding G-sync

8 Oct 2010
I'm getting a bit confused.

Am I right in saying that to make use of G-sync you need to do the following:

1) Enable G-SYNC in NVIDIA Control Panel
2) Manage 3D settings -> Monitor Technology > G-SYNC
3) Vertical sync -> On

Is this correct? I *need* to have V-sync enabled to use G-sync? If I have V-sync off and G-sync on, it won't work at all?
Also another question. Using the 3 steps above, that will introduce input lag, so in games like CS:GO you don't want to do this, however, if you set fps_max 140 in CS:GO, you won't get input lag, but have the benefit of G-sync, right?
gsync only works in ya range of ur monitors hz.. (acer x34 100hz)

i have gsync on in NCP with vsync on and vsync off in game options

you dont have to have vsync enabled for gsync to work u can also use fastsync instead of vsync if ur getting FPS above 100+ but i recommend using vsync in all games other then csgo. not many games around where u can you get 100+ fps all the time on ultra settings @ 3440x1440p with a single 1080!

also u want to make a separate gaming profile for csgo and disable gsync all together or use gsync and fastsync instead as you'll have over 100FPS all the time... (should have 300+ fps for csgo) so u dont really benefit from gsync in csgo..

you shouldn't have any input lag at all when using gsync and vsync on in NCP unless your monitor is pretty poo..
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