Underwater Camera

18 Oct 2002
I am off to the Caribbean for the fiestive period, to do some diving, sunbathing, and get married. Now i have a nice little Nikon Coolpix 7900 which is a great compact camera. But what i need is either a decent underwater ru-usable camera, or throw away ones, but there is so little choice for this kind of thing.

Any clues as to where I can find a decent choice of said cameras, as the underwater body for my compact is over 200Gbp, or there are a few 135 underwater cameras. but no 35mm, or APS.

Help me please
not a clue, just thought id point out i love processing reusable underwater cameras.... i get to use the hammer :D :D :D

Just incase you didnt know, you can make your camera waterproof, with one of these cases from Nikon:


I cant remember which case it is (i have the same camera as you) but im sure i remember the price was £200 or something :/

Edit: Its this one :) http://www.europe-nikon.com/product/en_GB/products/broad/172/overview.html

Edit2: http://froogle.google.co.uk/froogle?hl=en&q=WP-CP4 &ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wf

So damn pricey :( I hope froogle links are allowed? :(
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