Uneven Q6600 temps?

8 Jun 2006
Guys I brought w3bbo's golden Q6600 (lapped) off the guy he sold it to on MM..

Popped it in under my tuniq tower 120 and idle temps are 39,39,36,36 load temps are 58,58,55,55..?

I have taken the heat sink off twice today and reapplied MX-2 but I still seem to have uneven temps??

Maybe it's my heat sink? Had a E6600 before so would have only seen 2 cores

It' running at 3.6ghz 1.38volts in the bios

Any idea's please?
Those are even temps for a Q6600, even a lapped one.

There's two seperate dies under that IHS, and a such they will normally run at slightly different temps.
Could be your tuniq tower needs lapping.

If the guy did a perfect job on his cpu, then the fault may lie with your cooler.

Unless you can be bothered, 3 degress diff isn't bad IMO.
from memory w3bbo's temps were pretty even so I would imagine its the due to the TT.. you have to remember the TT is a lot heavier than a water block and therefore where the weight of the TT pulls it away from the CPU you will get slightly worse contact.. if you were to place your case on its side so the weight of the TT was pushing directly down onto the CPU I would expect that to even the temps out.. if that doesnt then the base of your TT is probably a little uneven
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