Unexpected WAP Charge (on T-Mobile)

25 Jan 2004
Northern Ireland
Unexpected WAP Charge (on T-Mobile 'Walk n Web')

I have just got an MDA Pro on a 'Flext 30' & 'Walk n Web' contact.

Thankfully I checked my bill online to discover that I had run up a £35 "Wap Call" bill over and beyond my Flext allowance (I have just started a Flext 30 & Walk n Web account).

In my innocence I believed that all net access was included under the 'web n walk' part of my package. What I didnt release was that when I entered an email addy under the Emailwiz program I had inadvertantly set up a dial-up account which permanently rang 07953968999 to the tune of approx £10 per hour!!! :eek:!!!

I twigged onto this after a day (thankfully I was unable to get reception for the bulk of the day lol) and rang T-mobile. T-mobile said they didnt recognise the number, that I had set it up and was therefore liable but as a good-will gesture they would reduce the excess billing to £15.

I then did a little googling and discovered that the 07953968999 number is in fact t-mobiles default wap setting!!

So question is this:

1. Should this alleged 'extra' bill not have been part of my 'web n walk' entitlement?

2. Can I access my hotmail without incurring any extra charges?

3. Can I set my mobile to stop this ever happing again?

4. Should I contest this bill with T-mobile?

Thanks in advance

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Thanks for the advice - I was very careful to use the 'softly softly' aproach when I rang and think that is why they have split the bill 50/50.

This is part of what I discovered when I did a simple 'google' on the number:-

Homepage: http://wap.one2one.net/
Connection Type: Continuous
Connection Security: Off
Bearer: Data
Dial-up Number: 07953968999
IP Address:
Authentification Type: Normal
Data Call Type: ISDN
Username: user
Password: wap

one2one is used interchangeably with 't-mobile' on the other google sites as they are effectively one and the same.

Ill ring back and point this out.

Has anyone had a similar experience? Im still not sure why dialing this number (whether inadvertantly or not) has resulted in a charge when I already pay for unlimited surfing under 'Walk n Web'?????

Cheers, Bob
Dolph - you reply has just switched the light on for me and I can now see why Im at fault even though I have 'walk n Web'.

Note of caution for other windows mobile users with Emailwiz prog - be careful what the alleged wizard does (i think it set my yahoo email settings on CSD - and in my ignorance it just dialed away for hours without me evn being aware).
I suppose the most burning question I have now is:

Can I switch off, or disable CSD on the Windows Mobile 5 platform to ensure I never have this potentially wallet busting mistake ever repeating again? and if so, how?

Thanks again

Im learning lots thanks to your input guys!

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