Unhandled Exception error.

25 May 2013
Update, Windows asked for .NET Framework 3.5 to be installed and all is working now. Pretty sure I had it before but hey.

I am having an awful time trying to resolve this error. I have tried several subreddits, the Race Department Forums and Tripp Team on Discord, I'm running out of options.

XPacks are models/.zips for Bobs Track Builder which I used to use to make tracks/rallies for rFactor and Richard Burns Rally.

Copied from reddit.

I was adding XPacks and Bobs Track Builder crashed on adding the Basic City XPack. I have tried:

Another image of the error before this one: https://imgur.com/a/bB4LVWu

Pastebin of the Unhandled Exception: https://pastebin.com/6hXtLA5t

Another image of the program and error: https://i.imgur.com/ynh5w7L.jpg

I cannot even get past this pop up to check the options of Bobs Track Builder to change the file paths.

  1. Installing to another location on another drive, now it's C: (not program files/x86)

  2. Removed and replaced the offending .zip

  3. Renaming the offending .zip

  4. Updating all the .NET Frameworks, 2.0 is installed.

  5. Rebooting

  6. Culmative Update for .NET Frameworks installed tonight.

  7. Redownloading the offending .zip

  8. Everything on every drive has full permission, I am on an Admin account,

I'm the only user. What on earth can I try next? Another user on Race Department said he uses this pack without issues.

I used to use the License version on the Bobs Track Builder website and never had this issue, and I thought Steam would be easier.

Just as an FYI, Brendan no longer offers purchases on his BTB site so I have to use Steam.
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