Unhappy with my photography for awhile... Sunsets , Rainbows & Reculver

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
For some time now my photography quality has been dropping and its kinda been depressing me , lack of replies on photography forums and when they do give feedback its usually not that great. So i decided to research all day today the good and bad of photography and find the cause of my quality problems. Yes i have the eye for good photo's , but i was always got fed up of what showed on the camera didn't on the computer , it all looked wrong!

Lets try with what i've learned today , any advice would be great!.

Start from the top










As a photo noob from what I can see from this set of photos at least yes you do have a good eye for photography and certainly you can see the various 'rules' of photography applied to your pictures so technically nothing is wrong.

I'm sure I remember you got a good piece of feedback from one of your images posted in the 'post your pics here' thread. So its not all lackluster or negative feedback you're getting.

One thing I would say but this is my own personal feeling about this, the series you posted here lacks an element of punch to them. For me nothings jumping out at me to focus my attention.

Pictures 5, 10 and 14 are my favourite out of the set, they grab my attention the most.

Thanks , yeh i did get some good feedback for a few of the photo's but rather i'm talking in general. In what way would a shot say if i did these again would add an element of punch?
Thankyou both of you !

Panzerbjorn thats funny you should say that , i was trying to get as low as i could but i was right out in the sand. The wind was blowing and i was SINKING ! , not so good when you are wearing the wrong things at the time.Wellies would've been great , not trainers ;D
I think as its been mentioned as by myself the photos need a more specific focal point. In several of the pictures you've used 'lines' to draw the viewer into the picture but when they get there, they;re left with blank spaces or background.

I'm not sure if in a few of them you've used a filter or increased the yellow saturation in the photos but for me its washed out the image slightly.

There was another topic that I was thinking of to point you towards about taking pictures that you like, who cares what anyone else thinks..........that was until i discovered you posted it yesterday!!! :p

For me that set of images were better and had more of an impact on me than this set.

I think one final comment is that you've noticed yourself that you're not happy with the way you're taking photographs. Can you go back and look through the pictures you've taken that you're happy with and either think back to how you were feeling or just remind yourself that you can take pictures that you're happy with to see if you can reignite that feeling or just simply see why you liked the ones you do?

I'm actually Very pleased with this set , i was kinda in a low previously and doing shots just to get a great set reply rather than doing what i enjoy. Doesn't include the Tankerton-Whitstable ones :p

I think the saturation is the wrong whitebalance , i was using Shade at the time and its made it Far too orange. :eek:
With the exception of a couple of shots I wander if you'd taken the photo's from a lower stance it might have added extra depth and interest....

Yep i had considered that , if it wasn't for the fact i was sinking ( i went out too far ) then ofcause :D

13 - the White Balance was totaly Wrong , so this is the end result fixed

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