Unibody Macbook Battery

20 Jun 2004
How long does everyone's last in:

a) OS X
b) Windows

I'm finding battery life in OS X to be fairly good but in Windows 7 it's an absolute pig that shows at best 1hr 30.
probably to do with better useage of speed stepping whilst in OSX. This a macbook or macbook pro? If its the latter it will be due to windows always using the graphics card as opposed to onboard graphics.
It's just a Macbook. Surely Apple or someone has figured out how to extend battery life in Windows?
Apple - they're not going to as it makes os-x look better.
Sony (and probably a couple of others) has made custom battery settings/software which extend life a bit so it can be done.
MS could do a lot more though and hopefully windows 7 will have a bit done to help here.
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