UniFI Dream Router slow when using PPPoE

  • Thread starter Thread starter GeX
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17 Dec 2002
I'm in the process of upgrading my network, and have bought a UniFI Dream Router as I'm keen to mess with the cameras / Protect side of things.

I set it up last night, and let it run a speed test. It wasn't as fast as it should be - but I wanted to run it on my laptop (via Ethernet) later so didn't pay much attention to it.

My connection is 900/110 FTTP using PPPoE and this is what the UDR gives me;


To help isolate the issue, I swapped by to my EdgeRouter 12P and ran the test again;


I've done nothing other than run through the default setup (which updated the firmware on the UDR), but I'm a little concerned by this as an out of the box experience.

Is there something I might've missed, during setup?
I think that's enabled by default, but I didn't dig into the settings as free time is precious what should have been a quick swap was eating time, and I couldn't leave the network in a broken state.

I'll try disabling it later today and see if that works around the problem. It'll be going back if it can't run line speed with that enabled though as otherwise what's the point of it!
The tag line is;

“All-in-one WiFi 6 router with a 3 Gbps aggregate throughput rate.”

I don’t align that with a 500Mbps connection..
No, but if they’re marketing it like that it and it can’t route a 1Gbps connection then there’s something wrong!
I've created a ticket with Support, will report what they say - but it's looking more and more like I've made a mistake in buying this. Luckily, they're in such short supply and high demand that I should able to sell it on quite quickly!
Today is 14 days since it was delivered, and I'd be liable for return postage back to The Netherlands.. I'm sure it'd sell easily to someone who would be happy with it.

I didn't do enough research upfront, but it seemed like it'd be suitable and as you say 1Gbps isn't uncommon, I had 1000/1000 over 5 years ago!
Yeah, I had a EdgeRouter 3 Lite on my FTTC connection, but got a 12P when upgrading the FTTP as the ERL-3 was up to it. The 12P can handle it fine, but it hasn't got the same packet inspection stuff that the UDR has. Seems unfair to compare them as it's not feature parity, but.. then if you buy a UDR for the fancy bits and then it fails at it's core task.. boo
I‘d like to apologise to the OP - they were absolutely bang-on about PPPoE being the issue here. I was telling a colleague this on Friday and they said “rubbish” and plugged a UDR into our 1Gbps connection (fixed IP address) and was uploading and downloading at the full 1Gbps so it is a very good router and the issue is PPPoE.

Thank you. I appreciate that you didn't need to come back to this thread and post that update! Rare on forums!
For some closure to the thread, I bought a UDM SE instead and that runs line speed fine. I must get round to selling the UDR!
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