Anyone know if there is a standard time for how often unitinfo.txt is updated, or whether it is down to individual cores? Seems pretty random. Anyone know of a way to make it update more often?
It might seem a random question. The reason i ask is because on my stats page (link at the bottom) I am putting all the threads I am running, and I detect if they are down by the create time on the unitinfo.txt. But I keep getting them displaying as 'down' because I am using an hour as the stale data time before setting them as down. Apparently some unitinfo.txt updates take longer than an hour. I'll have to think of a better way to detect the process status. Means actually doing something proper though
Hmm those 600pt units should only take a max of a couple of days on those rigs. The reasoning behind that page is that one of those machines was remotely restarted a couple of days ago and the processes didn't start up again properly and I didn't notice. A good couple of days lost crunching. That might be why it looks like they'll take ages to finish, they've been down for a while
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