Unity price changes and it's impact

3 Jan 2018
Seems Unity have caused quite the stir with their proposed price changes!

With developers releasing statements on the damage it will cause, what do you think will happen to the games industry if this goes ahead? Will we see developers changing engines? Games dying?

I've opted for.Unity in the past due to their free tier, but used Godot more recently. Starting to like that decision
I can see a lot of developers ditching Unity even if they do back down tbh - it's not like there isn't plenty of other options, though learning a new platform is a big cost.

I think the others could capitalise on this - Epic could make Unreal pricing more appealing, we could see more open source options used and supported?
I do need to try Unreal out again. I've never really picked up C++ but I'm intrigued by the blueprints system.

Unity always made sense to me being C# with its free tier - Unreal was always a very daunting engine.

I do feel that Unity needs to go into damage control mode, even if they do back out of this change. The fact that they've suggested it has broken trust with a lot of developers.
I'm just getting started with using Unity as a hobby, i have no idea what has happened regarding prices, seemed clear to me a few days ago that it's free for people like me. Am i making a mistake starting to learn Unity? Seemed a sensible choice to me :confused:
They amended their licensing to charge a fee per install - which for indie company's with masses of installs on cheap games, it'd kill them.

They backtracked (though I believe only mostly? Need to check it again) but there's a lot of trust lost in Unity. I'm pretty sure UE has a free tier? Godot is free forever.
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