Universal basic income

3 Feb 2010
I've heard many people talking about this idea, and lots of countries are trialling it in certain areas to see how effective it is. Some countries like Finland are doing larger trials and proving some level of success allegedly...

Do you think that it is something that could actually work and lift millions out of unemployment and poverty? or is it just some far-left wet dream of idealistic falsehood..

I am starting to lean towards the thought that it is a natural step in human evolution, although only once we hit a certain level autonomy.

Say 50% of all manual jobs are taken by automated machines, it will be a requirement... Therefore at some point it must happen, is it better to start early to avoid generations of ill educated and impoverished citizens?

On our current trajectory, If we wish to avoid another french revolution, if we wish to see man as a species progress to its full potential, if we wish to live two generations past where we are now, I don't see any other path possible except some derivative of UBI, else it's surely apocalypse.

Exactly, i just dont see how a society could function without it once we move closer and closer towards absolute autonomy.

It is quite difficult to find actual studies in to what percent a country has reached in autonomy but i am betting that the number is starting to gain momentum.
IMO i don't think capitalism or socialism/communism can adequately describe the "system" that we should be heading towards with future autonomy.

The closest thing i can imagine to it would be (I know its cringy) but a star trek esque society, in which money holds no value... People work for the betterment of human society as a whole, all needs and wants are available.

Obviously we aren't talking the next 50 years here..

I especially like data's comment about television not lasting much past the 2040's, for some reason i actually believe that is possible in its current form at least :D

It's a lovely idea, but the reason money holds no value is because replicators make resources infinite.
True :P, we can all have pipe-dreams eh, perhaps we create a dyson-sphere and harness seemingly unlimited energy.. then find a way to create matter and arrange it willingly? haha
The problem in some countries is that people work extremely hard, and they are still poor and can't afford basic and simple services, like good healthcare or education.
The rich in those countries, meanwhile, enjoy extremely high and unnaturally high profits.

People NEVER get rich when they work for someone else.

My previous employer paid his employee's generously.. A very competitive bonus scheme in an employment that required no education or prior skills..

One of my managers saved like crazy with the money he was earning and went on to buy 5-6 houses.. He is now extremely comfortable thanks to working for someone else, so i wouldn't say that is completely true.
I didn't intend this thread to turn in to a capitalism vs communism debate.

It was intended to discuss how UBI may be necessary given future autonomy.

But regardless, communism is anti-democratic as it doesn't allow views that go against the system.. this is fundamentally dangerous, ergo why it has failed everywhere.
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