I've been thrown into the deep end because our previous webmasters graduated and didn't forfill his promise to complete the site. I'm the treasurer and looks like I'm also taking the role of Webmastering.
Here's the situation; we have a temporary site up, which isn't brilliant. It's made quickly with Dreamweaver by the previous webmaster. I'm trying to make it simplier, due to our not-so-techie minded committee members.
I'm only <----> this experience with HTML because I messed around with Blog Template building.
We have decent bandwidth and got our own webspace and address. Because of the extra process of downloading the files via FTP, edit and uploading it back to the server that's troubling some members.
I'm hoping someone can help me make it easy - say using Blogspot? I mean I can have a blog style site, just "create new post" after logging into the club's account. This will make updating new info easier. Trouble for me is, how can I use a made account on blogspot and allow members to log in and create a new post and have it up on our web address?
Sorry if it sounds complicated, but will appreciate any help with possible detailed explaination? Thanks.
Here's the situation; we have a temporary site up, which isn't brilliant. It's made quickly with Dreamweaver by the previous webmaster. I'm trying to make it simplier, due to our not-so-techie minded committee members.
I'm only <----> this experience with HTML because I messed around with Blog Template building.
We have decent bandwidth and got our own webspace and address. Because of the extra process of downloading the files via FTP, edit and uploading it back to the server that's troubling some members.
I'm hoping someone can help me make it easy - say using Blogspot? I mean I can have a blog style site, just "create new post" after logging into the club's account. This will make updating new info easier. Trouble for me is, how can I use a made account on blogspot and allow members to log in and create a new post and have it up on our web address?
Sorry if it sounds complicated, but will appreciate any help with possible detailed explaination? Thanks.