Unlocking the 2.1 software on 2g iphone

28 Mar 2005
i cant seem to unlock it using the guide.

i have restored the phone to the newest firmware and have downloaded all the files i need.

get to the first screen on the quickpwn screen and select the downloaded firrm ware but i cant move onto the next page. the button stays grayed out :(

any ideas?
I didn't think you could jailbreak from 2.2?

I thought you had to restore to 2.1, then using PwnageTool to build a custom 2.2 IPSW and upgrade to it.

..that's how I did my bro's 2G :confused:

(Don't shoot me if I'm wrong.. but the baseband writing process is a one-way affair; hence the caution)
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To jailbreak 2.2 on windows you first upgrade to 2.2 using official firmware just dont let itunes activate your phone otherwise it wont unlock it properly

Then run Quickpwn 2.2 (latest version) and follow the instructions
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