Unpicking Exchange upgrade

9 Dec 2007

An Exchange 2003 environment some years ago was started to be upgraded to 2010 using the legacy coexistance.

That upgrade did not go according to plan and due to various reason the project was suspended. This left a semi deployed 2003/2010 mix of servers with partially configured DAG/CAS.

The project has just been picked back up, however the requirement has changed. Rather than going to 2010 the decision has been made to go straight to 2016.

As this is a 2 hop process we need to remove the 2010 from the servers that will end up hosting the exchange environment. We will reinstall 2010 on some interim servers, migrate from 03 to 10, decommission 03 and migrate to 16.

Question (tl:dr)

Does anyone know/have a link how to undo an exchange 2010 install from exchange 2003 coexistence so that we can safely trash the server so that it will eventually be built with 2016?
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