Unraid had the power button pressed and shut down. Upon trying to start it again I'm getting a syslinux error.
Thinking I need to rebuild my flash usb drive, but the backup I have was from a little while ago, when I had 3 drives + parity, and I now have 4 drives + parity....
Should i just copy my syslinux folder over the old one?
Copy all the backup over?
Rebuild the drive from scratch?
Cry a little?
4th drive isn't a problem if it ends up having to be formatted, but I don't want the system getting confused and assigning the wrong drives to parity etc....
Thinking I need to rebuild my flash usb drive, but the backup I have was from a little while ago, when I had 3 drives + parity, and I now have 4 drives + parity....
Should i just copy my syslinux folder over the old one?
Copy all the backup over?
Rebuild the drive from scratch?
Cry a little?
4th drive isn't a problem if it ends up having to be formatted, but I don't want the system getting confused and assigning the wrong drives to parity etc....