Unraid Flash USB Error - Old backup

8 Nov 2008
Unraid had the power button pressed and shut down. Upon trying to start it again I'm getting a syslinux error.

Thinking I need to rebuild my flash usb drive, but the backup I have was from a little while ago, when I had 3 drives + parity, and I now have 4 drives + parity....

Should i just copy my syslinux folder over the old one?
Copy all the backup over?
Rebuild the drive from scratch?
Cry a little?

4th drive isn't a problem if it ends up having to be formatted, but I don't want the system getting confused and assigning the wrong drives to parity etc....
Copied the old syslinux, didn't work...

Thinking of taking the old backup with the new super.dat and drive config files?
ok, just for those who may have the same issue at some point.

I copied all the files from the (assumed) corrupt Unraid install
Format USB
Copy files back to USB
Run make-bootable.bat
Reinstall in server
Works as it should!

Perhaps I'm the lucky one?!


Then make sure I run frequent backups of USB
The REALLY important bit:

If you restore your USB from a backup, but have changed the drive allocations, you run the risk of losing data. Worst case scenario is you've taken a backup, then moved a parity drive to be a data drive. Upon use of the backup, this "data" drive will be dealt with as a parity drive and data overwritten. Some suggest taking a backup when the drives are spun down, and array stopped. This would allow you to see the drive allocations prior to a parity check.

Another alternative is a fresh unraid install, then allocate all drives as data drives. Any drives previously used as parity will be identified as needing a format. This should allow a full, fresh, reinstall without losing data. Or so I have read!
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