Unreal Tournament 3 E3 Trailer

Another game that's been over shadowed by other titles, looks superb though and I bet I'll be playing this a lot longer than I will the likes of Crysis or Bioshock
Looks most excellent, really looking forward to this one, so many good games coming out I'm gona go broke.
Looks freaking amazing. I actually already preordered it 6 months ago jsut because it was on Amazon so cheap @ £17 :cool:
And yeah... there's so many great games coming out in the next 12 months. I still haven't even completed FEAR...
jusr recently re-installed UT2004 on my laptop, simply one of my fav MP games and even the 2004 still stands the test of time so looking forward to this one greatly
Unreal tourny 2004 was great and this looks awesome on the graphics front, I have to say though the gameplay looks very Halo 3.

Needles said:
Great mp game not much else.

Thats because its a multiplayer only game really, no matter what sort of career they add it'll still be training for the actual game. Saying the Unreal Tournament series is great mp but not much else is like saying Football Manager is a great management game but not enough weapons :o
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