Unreal Tournament 4 OCUK Community

3 Oct 2009
North Wales
Just wondering if anyone would like to be in a UT4 early access community?

Are you guys enjoying UT4? Still hooked on shock combos?



Post if you want me to form some kind of UT4 OCUK community :cool:
I got into UT 2004 in about 2008, but loved it for a couple of years. Havent really played any UT game since but the trailers for UT4 look fantastic - I'd be interested, though I dont actually have UT4 :D :)
I was playing it shortly after they went public with the beta, however after the initial flood of interest server populations seemed to drop off massively to the point there was only a couple of servers with players on & they were always full.

Shame because I really enjoyed what I did play.
I play it daily. Important to remember it's still officially in pre-alpha state, but it is highly playable.

#unrealtourament on irc.globalgamers.net is the official irc channel for the game as well.

Can any old codger download it?

Yes :) It's completely free and you will get updates about every 3-4 weeks currently.
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Will download tonight. What Teamspeak are OcUK folk using these days, perhaps someone could set up a UT4 Channel?
Might have a look into it properly. I have been playing ut2004 on and off over the last few months with a few friends - awesome fun but I used to be addicted to it!
Been following this but is it wrong that i'm refusing to play it until it's done?

I mean I can see it's coming along really nicely but I'd rather get my teeth into the full product than have it ruined by some really odd bug, for example.
Been following this but is it wrong that i'm refusing to play it until it's done?

I mean I can see it's coming along really nicely but I'd rather get my teeth into the full product than have it ruined by some really odd bug, for example.

I think UT4 is going to be constantly evolving Tute and by getting in there now you can unlock rewards for participating and helping with the project... plus FACING WORLDS is as good as we remember it!!!!:cool::)
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