Unrecognised credit card charge - card is not lost.

13 Jan 2010
So one of my CCs has 2 pending charges for amazon.co.uk
One on Monday, one on Friday.

This is a tad concerning as:

-When I buy from amazon it doesn't say "amazon.co.uk" but has a random string of characters
-Nothing on my amazon account.
-I haven't used my card in a month. And it hasn't left the house.

Has my card been cloned somehow?
Obviously I've frozen the card immediately and in a queue to talk to fraud at the bank.

They are both for 5.99.
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I get the amazon.co.uk rather than amazon * random when using their spread paments over x number of months. Did you do one of those in a previous month? https://www.amazon.co.uk/manage-monthly-payments

You can archive orders so they aren't in your orders list anymore. Have you checked your archived orders in case someone with access to your account has hidden them?

Doesn't look like anything like this. Also I've only made 1 order since March.
Any subscribe and save things you've forgotten about

Checked all that. Nothing.

I very rarely use amazon so I was fairly sure it's not something I'd forgotten.

Bank says they've frozen everything. Including things that carry on with a new card. And they'll hopefully find out what it is. Ie who's account etc
Lyca mobile customer by any chance?
You sure your amazon account hasn't been compromised or someone else is using it? Had something similar turns out I'd logged into Prime on someone's TV while visiting and forgot to log out and they'd watched a film later using the service and I got the bill £5.99 seems a very low amount for a scam your scammer is seriously lacking ambition. At the very least I'd be changing my wifi password

What is it about ToysRUs? I had exactly the same thing for a cloned card but for somewhere in Thailand (the card not me)

I don't have prime though. And barely use amazon.
Certainly not used my card on anyone elses account.
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