Untagged VLAN handling

26 Feb 2009
Hi All, another Cisco question, hopefully a quick one!

My 3560 switches have 3 operational VLANs on them - Data (2), voice(200) and public(99). I want to connect these to my new Meraki access points using a dot1q trunk, which they support.

However, they also need to communicate to the controller (which is on the internet) in order to function - controller communication is untagged, there is no option to set a vlan for controller communication.

My understanding was that setting a native vlan on the trunk port would allow untagged traffic to access that vlan, so I configured the port as follows:

interface GigabitEthernet0/2
description !!WAP3!!
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk native vlan 2
switchport mode trunk

Doesnt work though....

Any ideas what I'm missing?

Cheers :)
Well, personally I dislike not pruning VLANs on trunk ports with a passion, so I'd do the following:

>switch trunk encap dot1q
>switch mode trunk
>switch trunk allow vlan 2,99,200
>switch trunk native vlan 2

That works for ESX boxes using untagged management interfaces, note that the native vlan must also be enabled for trunking on the port for it to work. Or if that doesn't work you can set the port as dual mode by adding:

>switch acc vlan 2

Which works much the same really...
Apparently it did work, I just didnt give it long enough :)

Will look at only allowing certain VLANs anyway, seems sensible!
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