unusual 1 from w/e

20 Apr 2003
in a house

don't normally see swimming pics on here :eek: so heres 1 i got from the w/e, touched up slightly in CS2........C & C welcome
PS managed to get out of the way of oncoming tidal wave lol
Gold............. :confused: he looks tanned to me :)
tried to clone out the lane rope but found it very difficult, no doubt some1 on here could make it look easy :mad:
Really like the shot! Great timing.

I've had a little play in PS, hope you don't mind. Changed the skin colour slightly and took out the lane separator, gave the saturation a bit of a boost ... maybe a bit much, not sure.

flogger said:
Gold............. :confused: he looks tanned to me :)
tried to clone out the lane rope but found it very difficult, no doubt some1 on here could make it look easy :mad:
Hope you don't mind...


I also removed the gold cast to his "tan" lol
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nice 1 A.N.Other, did you clone tool the lane rope out or use some other tool, how did you guys change his skin color without affecting the overall colors ?? :confused:
Colin_da_Killer said:
"image adjustments" - "Replace color" option. :)

I did a selective colouring on the skin, a slight change on the water colour, a mini saturation boost, a shadow increase and cloned the float out.

Wasn't really a very good go tbh - the skin colour still looks funny. Might have another go in a min.

As you said, though ... practise makes perfect. Really good shot to start with, which is the most important bit!

// EDIT // Had a go at the skin colouring ...

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thxs for the nice comments guys, the guy swimming is normally a dark brown so some of the color changes make him look a little anaemic........hey but thats only my humble opinion, all your c & c is very welcome & much appreciated, as i posted in another thread, i only understand about 10% of cs2 so all this is a great help ;)
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Im slightly swimming against the flow here, everyone else is for removing the lane divider... i think adding another one improves the image.

Ive not done a great job of adding it, but i think adding it balances up the picture and adds more depth the scene...

I prefer the impact of the original image. Contrasty and more atmospheric.

Not that the others have not done good jobs, but they seem too clinical, too typical IMO. :)
A.N.Other said:
Really like the shot! Great timing.

I've had a little play in PS, hope you don't mind. Changed the skin colour slightly and took out the lane separator, gave the saturation a bit of a boost ... maybe a bit much, not sure.


That looks like he has liver disease. His face is a different colour to his arms.
Dreeder , i like it, definitely adds depth....... nice gag about "swimming against the flow" :D :D

Pete.... ;) don't think theres much wrong with this guys liver, he swims sub 30 secs for 50m fly ;)
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