Unwanted 360 on its way

10 Mar 2003
Just got an email saying my xbox360 preorder has been despatched the problem is I maneged to get a core system on launch day with a wireless controler & headset . My pre order was a premium pack dont know if i should send it back or keep it and sell my core or sell it. what do you think? :confused:
The only sensible option would be to sell the core and keep the prem pack. I would think you'll lose very little or next to nothing selling the core pack.
BIGbungle said:
I want a HDD how much do you think i will get for a core with wireless controller and headset?
As it's still pretty new I would say selling it for just under what you paid would be good. If you can find someone to take it off your hands for what you paid for it yourself, even beter. I personally wouldn't try to profit from it though, and as the shortage seems to be disappearing, I doubt you'd manage it anyway :)
You will get £200 easily for just the core pack. I just sold a Core to a friend for £230 (Although it had a memory card)
if you sold the core on the bay u'd get about 250 for it, plus you can always stick a stupid amount of postage on it they are all doing on there.

personally i'd sell it to friend.
Memphis said:
If you can get a legit buyer. A colleague tried to sell his 4 times and each time the successfull bidder just so happened to live in Nigeria :rolleyes: .

......happened to me twice also, i had a ebay warning about the user as they kept unregistering themselves from the bay once they won my item

cost me £5 in listing charges, arses
BAcon said:
......happened to me twice also, i had a ebay warning about the user as they kept unregistering themselves from the bay once they won my item

cost me £5 in listing charges, arses

that happened to me but i was buying. 320 quid for premium and 4 games. cool i thought thats a bargain. i didn't win it but then got a second chance offer, so i took it. Then he said he lived in china which i thought was crap, then i noticed he was then unregistered with ebay, which i thought was weird cause how could he of made the sale. He wanted a bank wire transfer which i couldn't do then said western union which i have heard bad things about.

In the end i made up some awesome story and that i couldn't pay. was well dodgy though.
Sorry to take this off topic but to the people above getting buyers from scam-land, all you have to do is go into preferences and click on the box that says bar everyone not in the country of intended sale.

Then when you put on the auction that you will send to UK only, people will only be able to bid if they live in UK, I must have had 10 bogus buyers before I changed it and havent had one since.
Agr3sive said:
Sorry to take this off topic but to the people above getting buyers from scam-land, all you have to do is go into preferences and click on the box that says bar everyone not in the country of intended sale.

Then when you put on the auction that you will send to UK only, people will only be able to bid if they live in UK, I must have had 10 bogus buyers before I changed it and havent had one since.
I didnt even realise that stuff existed.

Ive just selected a few features including the one below, to help with future auctions. Thanks for makign me aware :)

Block buyers who are registered in countries to which I don't ship.
"Block buyers who are registered in countries to which I don't ship."

Yeah thats the one, I never realised either mate till someone told me, personally I think Ebay should enable it by default to help sellers.
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